Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Mon, 12 Apr 2021 11:15:09 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action
replies: 4802 from Majenko Technologies <>
Hi all,
I am starting to tag these kind of mail with [TIL], "Today I Learned". 
With this tag I write about a feature that already existed in pcb-rnd for 
long, potentially useful for many users with many different use cases but 
is generally not known by most users. I plan to write [TIL] posts 
before announcing related new features or upgrades.
The SetSame() action is an old one of ours. There's a "pen" in pcb-rnd, 
this is a set of config nodes (in the design/ subtree) that remembers what 
line width, clearance, text size, etc. your tools are drawing with. When 
you select a routing style, it copies these fields from the routing style 
to the "pen". Whenever you draw anything interactively on the GUI, new 
objects inherit "pen" properties. If your current pen doesn't match any 
routing style, the checkboxes for routing styles remain empty. (This can 
happen if you change your pen, e.g. using the Mode menu, Drawing, text 
and line tool size tweaks).
If course once you finished drawing an object, you can change its 
properties (using old style direct geometry change hotkeys/menus or the 
property editor). Plus you can import objects (e.g. loading through 
buffer). In these cases it is very easy to end up with a line, arc or text 
object that doesn't match any style.
Now, let's say you have a board with a few objects not drawn with any of 
your existing routing styles. Let's say you want to draw a few more of 
them, e.g. extending or rerouting a sectin of a trace. That's where 
SetSame() can be handy: 
1. hover the mouse cursor above the object with the properties you want to 
2.a. either press {e s s}
2.b. or press colon (':') to get the command line and type setsame and 
press enter
3. if you were about a suitable object (line, arc, poly at the moment), 
your "pen" is loaded with the properties of that object and your tool is 
switched to draw a similar object (line tool, arc tool or polygon tool). 
Since these are all layer objects, the current layer is set to the layer 
of the object too.
4. if the new "pen" happens to match any of your routing style, that 
routing style is activated, else it's just an off-routing-style pen
I hope you find the SetSame() action useful.
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4801 [pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action from
  4802 Re: [pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action from Majenko Technologies <>
    4804 Re: [pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action from
    4812 Re: [pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action from
      4813 Re: [pcb-rnd] [TIL] the SetSame() action from Majenko Technologies <>