Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sat, 10 Apr 2021 16:11:26 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] geda/pcb save bugifx: pads (please test)
Hi all,
a new user reported a bug:
- only our geda/pcb save was affected (that's the old board format we 
shouldn't really use)
- only when pcb-rnd saved a file into that old format
- smd pads could end up misaligned, depending on rotation
Bonus: the code didn't even try to export non-axis-aligned SMD pads, so if 
you rotated a 1206 by 45 degree, it didn't work when saving to geda/pcb 
board format.
I've fixed these by r34378. If you are still using the old pcb format in 
the "save as" direction, please test all your smd pads!
NOTE: because of a design error in the old geda/pcb file format, square 
(or close-to-square) pads will break with any non-axis-aligned rotation. 
We can't fix it, it's a really a bug in the file format.
Even funnier: geda/pcb introduced a new, pad-center description format 
lately. But this fails to fix this problem:
1. geda/pcb won't save pads with this syntax, only loads
2. this new syntax introduces a new design error: it lacks pad rotation; 
so even if geda/pcb could save in this syntax, it would break on 
non-square pads when rotated non-90-degrees, which would make it even 
buggier than the original, line based syntax.
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4800 [pcb-rnd] geda/pcb save bugifx: pads (please test) from