Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 31 Jan 2021 06:06:43 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Kicad Import
in-reply-to:4730 from smilie <>
replies: 4732 from smilie <>
Hi Smilie,
On Sun, 31 Jan 2021, smilie wrote:
>Hello Igor2,
>then in my opinion...
>pcb works not properbly.
Sorry, you are wrong on this, pcb-rnd does work properly. Different EDA 
software have different data model, different way they work. You can never 
do a 100% lossless transfer between them.
KiCad clearly has a different way of using its library. pcb-rnd doesn't 
try to copy KiCad's library mechanism, we have our own mechanism. (You'll 
find a detailed reasoning why I won't copy KiCad on this alter in this 
mail). If you use pcb-rnd, you use pcb-rnd's library mechanism and your 
project must use that too.
In your case, you have a schematics that is not designed to work with 
pcb-rnd (or in fact with anything else than KiCad) out of the box. This 
means you will need to invest some time to get it work with anything 
else than KiCad. If you read back a few emails, I gave you a list of  
options how to handle this.
If you want KiCad's library mechanism or KiCad's GUI, you will have to use 
KiCad, not pcb-rnd.
>In the Footprint description we have a general problem.
>In different directories can be files with the same name.
Yup, this is how it always worked, ever since PCB had library support. We 
do a simple library search path mechanism here, very similar to how most 
shells (even on dos and windows!) always did: you specify an 
ordered list of library directories and we search them in order and we 
pick the first hit.
So if you can't have unique footprint names in your lib, you have three 
1. set up the order of Vendor_1_* and Vendor_2_* in your library search 
path so pcb-rnd will find the footprints you prefer
2. fix your library, rename files
3. create symlinks with longer, real unique names pointing to the 
redundant files and use the symlink names in your schematics; you can 
place these symlinks outside of Vendor_* directories; that way 
you can have unique names without having to make any change within the 
About redundant footprint names, outside of eeschema import flow:
In theory this could be a problem, in practice, because how our users tend 
to use pcb-rnd (and previously PCB, for decades), this rarely is a 
problem and when it is, it can be fixed quickly without code modification. 
So in practice this is not a real problem.
About the eeschema netlist import flow:
It is important to understand the purpose of the code. The purpose is that 
if user A and B are working together as a team, and user A decides to use 
eeschema for drawing the schematics and user B decides to use pcb-rnd to 
do the layout it is possible. However, this does require them to work 
together, and the schematics must have footprint names that will make 
sense in pcb-rnd. You simply have footprint names that are designed for 
pcbnew (KiCad's layout program) and you are trying to use pcb-rnd on it. 
That won't work without you doing some change in data somewhere. Either 
in the schematics or by setting up the library manally (using file names 
with colon in them).
>The Kicad footprint definition has a "solution" to write directory:file to allow kicad to find and specify suche footprints.
>Kicad allow also to abbreviate such constructs to:
>in the manner of uniqueness.
>Kicad use : for abreviation in the footprint-definition.
>So we do not parse and differ this, then we assume, the directory name is a file-name?
>Its not a propper way.
The short answer is simply NO. What pcb-rnd does on this is right and we 
are not going to try to copy KiCad's library search mechanism. 
Note: I did think over all aspects, even before this email as I did know 
about the generic problem for years - we even have an experiment about 
this in the library window for many years based on tags. So this NO to 
KiCad's library search method is a decision (in other words: there is no 
point in pushing for it, it just won't happen).
Now the details behind that "no".
First, you need to understand that we are not talking about how the 
eeschema netlist is _parsed_: the plugin that understands that netlist 
does NOT do any library search. We have a common mechanism for library 
search that is the same regardless of where you got your footprint name 
from. The library window (GUI) uses the same search mechanism that your 
import from eeschma or gschem or xschem or orcad netlist. 
So what you ask for is changing our, pcb-rnd's, global library search 
mechanism to match KiCad's because you happen to have a KiCad schematic 
file that doesn't import 1:1. I hope you see why this request won't be 
fulfilled... Hint: the other day some other user would come who is 
importing from orcad netlist (yes, we support that) and says orcad has a 
different library search method and we must implement that. At the end 
we'd either copy one EDA package's (usually broken) library search method 
and all the others will fail or we'd have to provide options to emulate 
many different softwre. Unnecessary complication...
On the other hand, we may once, long term, introduce something for the 
redundant footprint name problem. But whatever we do must be a generic 
solution because pcb-rnd is not developed as a series of ugly, limited 
What KiCad does is the wrong solution to the problem. Just like what we 
see in their file format and data model, they had a problem and 
implemented the narrowest possible fix that happens to somewhat solve the 
current problem, without really caring if the same amount of complication 
could be used to also solve a bigger domain of problems. That's how they 
get themselves into features that can be used only to solve narrow 
problems, unable to combine and that's why they have to add more and more 
such hacks. I have seen this kind of thinking a lot in PCB and I spent 
literally hundreds of hours by now cleaning up after such bad decisions. 
So no, thanks, we are not copying such a broken-by-design idea.
Here are why their solution is just too limited and ugly:
The first problem here is that what they do is library:footprint. So you 
are not choosing a directory, you are choosing a library. Which is a 
rather inflexible way of doing this, as in pcb-rnd with fp_fs a library is 
just a directory, potentially with a tree of subdirectories and you can 
reconfigure things so that a subdirectiry becomes a library or a library 
becomes a subdirectory of a library (a parent directory). This solution is 
unable to handle any of these.
The second major problem is that with pcb-rnd we are not limited to one 
type of library: we have fp_fs, fp_wget and fp_board at the moment, but we 
could add further plugins. With fp_wget, using edakrill or gedasymbols, 
you will get tons of redundant file names coming from the same library, 
being in differnet directory. So in general: there is no guarantee that 
file names are unique within a single library! (Not even on a simple file 
system library). I understand that KiCad introduced limitations about 
this, but we won't, we are not going to copy limitations of KiCad.
The third problem is that this method is limited only to file names and 
library names while we do have a lot of other metadata to work from: 
attributes (or tags), unique ID (source ID), file format. 
Conclusion: KiCad's solution to the problem is just too limited and we are 
not going to implement it in pcb-rnd. If we ever solve this problem 
differently than our current library search path solution, the new 
solution will definitely need to be a more generic one that allows 
narrowing down the choice between redundantly named footprints based not 
only on library name but at least:
- path pattern (directory name) within the library
- attributes/tags
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4731 Re: [pcb-rnd] Kicad Import from
  4732 Re: [pcb-rnd] Kicad Import from smilie <>