Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 28 Jan 2021 14:14:27 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: checking out edakrill (Re: [pcb-rnd] trunk does not compile
in-reply-to:4707 from
On Thu, 28 Jan 2021, wrote:
>> >$ svn co svn://
>> >$ svn co svn://
> Found out I can checkout any subdir and just that, nice:
>svn co svn:// 
Yup, the only thing you can't easily do is "checking out" a single file; 
but you can look at the content without a local checkout using svn cat 
One more trick, absolutely optional, but can be useful with 
automated/scripted access:
svn export svn:// /tmp/ade
The difference is: with checkout, you get a "fully working", "live" thing: 
you can do svn up in it, you canmake modifications and svn diff will show 
it, you can commit the modifications from ir. With an export you don't get 
any such metadata, just a snapshot of the raw data. So no .svn 

Reply subtree:
4709 Re: checking out edakrill (Re: [pcb-rnd] trunk does not compile from