Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Tue, 26 Jan 2021 04:53:55 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Kicad Import
in-reply-to:4688 from smilie <>
On Mon, 25 Jan 2021, smilie wrote:
>Thanks, igor.
>So i have to manipulate some Foofprints first?
>Is there aome thing to do, before i can import?
If you mean you are importing the schematics... Yes, the same rules apply 
as with any other shcematics: the schematics will name some footprints and 
pcb-rnd will look for files with matching file names in your library. 
When you draw a schematics with the intention of using pcb-rnd for the 
layout, it's easy, you just choose footprint names by looking at your 
pcb-rnd footprint library. When you import from a random schematics that 
was originally designed for a different footprint library (some kicad lib 
in your case), it needs an extra step. What you could do is one of these:
1. Change footprint names in the schematics to match the ones you want to 
use in pcb-rnd
2. With your specific workflow you are lucky: pcb-rnd can load kicad 
footprints! So if you download the original footprint lib they used with 
kicad, put it in a directory tree somewhere on your file system and 
configure pcb-rnd to use that dir in the library path, you can work with 
the original footprints they worked with! (If you find any kicad footprint 
that doesn't load, please make a bugreport with the specific footprint!)
3. If you are not on windows, you could use symlinks to make a translation 
table: create a new directory on your file system, configure pcb-rnd to 
use it on the library path. Then if the schematics names footprint foo 
that you don't have but you know your footprint file bar.lht is the same 
thing, then just create a symlink under that new dir so that foo.lht -> 
/full/path/to/bar.lht. Then re-scan your lib (File menu, maintanance, 
re-scan footprint library). Note: with any serious file system and VCS 
combo you will be able to store and maintin your symlink translation lib - 
as long as you never want to check it out on weak file systems 
(e.g. on windows).

Reply subtree:
4692 Re: [pcb-rnd] Kicad Import from