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Date:Tue, 1 Dec 2020 11:48:52 +0100 (CET)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] [dev] autobuild, digital signature
replies: 4609 from
Hi all,
the new autobuild system is coming slower than expected, because I bumped 
into hard-to-resolve problems. As a side effect we got a new tool, pusign, 
which I will describe in this mail. This might be interesting to 
developers, safe to skip for users.
After pondering the overall architecture of the system, I figured I can 
do almost the same thing for ST and MS if I run everything within the qemu 
guest (the exotic system we are testing on). So the user needs to start 
the emulation, the emulated system will go and pick up jobs from the 
central server and report back. 
The user's own operating system in which this all is running can be 
anything that can run qemu - and that's literally anything people run on 
strong machines these days, from linux to macOSX to windows. We are not 
going to run much on that system, so we don't need to worry about what the 
user has installed.
Sounds easy, but as usual, some details make it hard. For example, how to 
do secure communication between our systems.
The main worst-case problem to solve is:
- you have an old UNIX system, something from the mid 90s, just reached 
c89 level, doesn't have anything fancy (no GNU)
- you want to make secure exchange of files (e.g. the job file from the 
server, or the report from the autobuild host)
There's no https or ssl of any kind, those started to be widespread a 
decade later even on free systems (and non-free systems are usually 
lagging behind a bit).
There's no ready-to-use tls or ssl lib either. But even if there was, 
it would be so old that it would be hard to make them communicate to 
modern systems (like the one that is handing out the jobs). It's like 
when you install a 15+ years old linux and you can't ssh to anything on 
your lan because it's trying to use crypto too old for today systems...
After thinking these over, the trivial conclusion was: take some small, 
portable crypto lib and write your own tool! Well, except: it seems nobody 
is really trying to write small, portable crypto libs. Crypto libs are 
huge and are optimized for speed at a cost of portability: nobody cares if 
it would compile on a 15..25 years old system, just make it 0.1% faster on 
the latest hardware!
With the help of Aron, a fellow pcb-rnd user, we managed to build a small 
tool (~2500 sloc), called pusign (for "portable micro sign"). It tries to 
do only one thing: sign/verify files using rsa+sha256. And it's c89, 
without any dependency. You can take a look: 
The RSA code is from bearssl (which is not very close to being portable in 
the sense we need: uses 64 bit integers in some key APIs, c99 stdint.h, 
the 'inline' keywordm etc). The sha256 code is from freebsd's WPA tool, 
which happens to be a bit less PITA to port. The pusign utility code is 
Aron's work.
Now the plan is that the central server will run a web server with cgi; ST 
and MS autobuild hosts will run a small, custom tool, probably written in 
C, in a loop:
- it will contact the server via http and hand in a job request
- if there's anything that needs to be compiled on the given system, the 
server makes an svn export, packs it up in a tarball and sends it back 
(svn checkout is not very efficient in transferring files, especially on 
very slow, emulated system haivng it from a tarball pays off)
- the autobuild host does the build using scripts shipped with the system
- when it finished, a report is sent back via a http multipart post 
request (file upload for the build log in case the build failed)
All http traffic will be in form of signed request/response files. There's 
no encrpytion, but that's not a real issue: all data are public, e.g. the 
job (the source code to compile) or the result of the compilation. The 
important part is that an attacker, not being able to properly sign files, 
can not:
- send valid job requests to autobuild hosts (the attacker doesn't have 
the server's private key to sign the request file)
- send valid reports to the server about jobs handed out to autobuild 
hosts (the attacker does not have the private key of the user who is 
running the autobuild host)
Anyway, if you need a small, portable rsa+sha256 digital signature tool or 
lib, and you are fine with BSD+MIT license, you may find pusign useful for 
your project.
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4608 [pcb-rnd] [dev] autobuild, digital signature from
  4609 Re: [pcb-rnd] [dev] autobuild, digital signature from
    4610 Re: [pcb-rnd] [dev] autobuild, digital signature from