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Date:Fri, 27 Nov 2020 18:47:32 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] my list of things I can't see how to do.
in-reply-to:4571 from thet <>
replies: 4578 from thet <>
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On Thu, 26 Nov 2020, thet wrote:
>I've made a long list of things that I need to work out how to do, or
>that don't seem to work as I would expect or at all.
Next time please send them separately or at least in small, closely 
related groups - replying to long lists is harder, and any question may 
trigger a discussion with many answers from different users or 
may turn out to be a bugreport, etc, and it's all much harder to track if 
multiple of those are bundled.
>I've spent the morning going through it and I found about half of my
>initial list - here's what I couldn't answer so far. I expect some of
>this is documented fine and I just haven't found it yet, but any quick
>answers or pointer or links appreciated!
>This is all for 2.3.0
>* can I set it to store backups in a separate folder for tidiness?
Yes, there are config nodes controlling these.
Note: there are two kind of backups: one happens periodically; if you use 
a stable release and you trust it won't crash (e.g. you don't do anything 
unusual), you could evne disable it; the other is done in case of an 
abnormal exit (crash, assert, abort). They have separate config nodes.
>* best way to select object buried in other objects:
What do you mean by buried in other objects?
>    - advanced select doesn't seem to work, I can't enter any text
>either in top box or in wizard box.
Click the 'e' button in the bottom to fill in an expression. Or disable 
the wizard to unlock the top text entry. You can either use the text input 
on the top or the wizard on the bottom and that checkbox controls which 
one you want to edit. (The code will attempt to convert your query 
script between the two)
>     - cycledrag click X function, I can't make it work. maybe I
>misunderstood the video. Is this supposed to work on any superimposed
>objects or only lines into a padstack? I can't get it to do anything at
It is not 100% generic, it mostly works when you have multiple endpoints 
on a location. You start dragging the endpoint then press the cycledrag 
key and it will jump on dragging another object that had an endpoint in 
the same point where you started the operation.
>Things that have helped with selection so far is turning off virtual
>layers to reveal the object I want, and turning off
>(mode->cursor/snap->crosshair snaps to offgrid points
Yup, our standard approach to controlling which object is taken in 
case of overlapping object always have been to turn layers off layers with 
the unwanted object. I mean this is what we inherited from pcb, and all 
the cycledrag and query() and other things are the extras.
>* save as doesn't save-as in the normal way- it saves a copy
What do you mean? 
Save as differs from save in popping up a dialog, so you can change the 
file name and other save-time options. I believe this is what 'save as' 
does in most software.
>* Can I avoid selecting refdes text? ie lock it to the
>component/subcircuit so it can't move independently? inadvertently
>selecting the refdes instead of the object is the most common selection
>issue I have.
Mode menu, drawing, lock floaters
The other way around is "only floaters", when you want to move the 
floaters without accidentally moving anything else.
Note: refdes text are not special, they are just floater text objects. 
Floater means the subcircuit lock doesn't apply on them, you can move them 
independently of their host subc. 
>* select all rats without selecting every object. selecting all objects
>works, but is much harder to see what is happening.
should be this action:
 query(select, @.type == RAT)
or the advanced search.
It doesn't seem to work, so it's a bug (added to the TODO, wil be fixed 
before the next release)
>* how to select all routed tracks?
How do you define "routed tracks"?
>* how to select and entire track from one via/pad to another, rather
>than just one straight line at a time. I can select an entire net and
>then rip up in the netlist so that is close but not the same.
So you want {c f} but not setting the found flag but the selected flag? I 
think we don't have that.
If you only want that for removing the section, try this:
{c f} then {c d} - the latter will remove anything with the 'found flag'.
>* is there a nudge key command? to move selected object one grid space
>or other specified increment?
No, but there are actions you can combine to get that. Once you have a 
series of actions that does what you want, you can make a menu item out of 
it. And if there's a menu item, it can have a hotkey too.
>* check spacing between two objects? check size of object? short of
>counting grid spaces I'm finding it very hard to check the size or
>spacing of objects. For example checking that my mounting holes are the
>right distance apart.
What you need is a "measure" tool. We don't have a dedicated tool for ti 
because the line drawing tool does exactly what you want anyway:
1. set up the grid so you have grid points on the two spots 
you want to measure distance between
2. if your measurement won't be axis aligned, eenable the all-direction 
lines, e.g. with {m l a}
3. click the line drawing tool, using some silk or copper layer
4. pretend to draw a line starting from one spot and hovering over the 
other, but don't do the second click, so don't create the line
5. the top right coord redout has an 'r' for distance and 'phi' for angle. 
The third line is the two axis aligned components of your line.
>* how to toggle visibility of one layer within a group, ie turn off the
>ground plane while retaining visibility for the bottom signal.
Not possible - layer group visibility can be toggled only together.
If you are annoyed by the polygons, try {m d p} which will toggle thin 
draw polygons. 

Reply subtree:
4577 Re: [pcb-rnd] my list of things I can't see how to do. from
  4578 Re: [pcb-rnd] my list of things I can't see how to do. from thet <>
    4579 Re: [pcb-rnd] my list of things I can't see how to do. from