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Date:Sat, 19 Sep 2020 05:21:58 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] DRC: different clearance for padstack (Was: Re: plan for optional
in-reply-to:4370 from Majenko Technologies <>
replies: 4373 from N <>
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On Fri, 18 Sep 2020, Majenko Technologies wrote:
>What would be nice, and this can probably already be done with the new DRC
>system, though I wouldn't know how, is to differentiate between trace and
>padstack clearances. For example, 0.15mm clearance for all traces minimum,
>and 0.3mm clearance for all padstacks minimum. Some fab houses like to have
>more clearance around pads than they allow for traces.
That's easily possible:
1. you could keep the stock drc rule that is warning for less than 0.15mm
2. you could write a second drc rule that iterates over all padstacks and 
warn for less than 0.3mm gap to other nets
However, you probably want to refine that requirement a bit: besides smd 
pads and thru-hole pins padstacks are also used for vias, fiducials and 
potentially other things. So maybe you want to limit the search for 
padstacks with term ID set, and/or padstacks with mask shape present, 
and/or padstacks with hole/slot present, depending on the reason your fab 
wants higher clearance.
I can support you if you decide to write the script. Our zone based drc 
script is a real good starting point (and is a nice tutorial that explains 
how to write such scripts):
I think deletign a few things from that script and using a different 
definition (setting) value would implement what you described. Then 
probably a few extra expressions to limit the search within padstacks, as 
I wrote above.
> Of course, that makes
>deciding on the right clearance tricky when you have a trace alongside a
>pad...  the trace would need to be 0.3mm away from the pad, even though it's
>specified as having 0.15mm clearance. Something that, if I read your
>reasoning right, is not possible to display with the new DRC "on the fly",
>so could never be represented in the clearance cursor display. 
Exactly, not possible to indicate or enforce while editing, but trivial to 
check by the DRC script.
>TBH that's no
>big deal really, as long as it would flag up in the background checks that
>something isn't quite right.
Yes, it would.
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4371 [pcb-rnd] DRC: different clearance for padstack (Was: Re: plan for optional from
  4373 Re: [pcb-rnd] DRC: different clearance for padstack (Was: Re: plan from N <>
    4374 Re: [pcb-rnd] DRC: different clearance for padstack (Was: Re: plan from Majenko Technologies <>
      4376 Re: [pcb-rnd] DRC: different clearance for padstack (Was: Re: plan from N <>