Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 21 Jun 2020 08:12:48 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data
in-reply-to:4197 from Evan Foss <>
replies: 4246 from Evan Foss <>
Hi Evan,
On Sun, 21 Jun 2020, Evan Foss wrote:
>Hi Fellow Pcb-RNDrs
>I asked this person who is doing simulator testing if they could share
>their validation data and they did!
>They also have tests of connector insertion loss.
>Also: is it just me or is kicad really behind UI wise?
I think that video shows an addon, probably something like what we would 
have in an user script in pcb-rnd. 
To me, as I wrote in the other mail, this addon looks like a collection of 
very much specialised tools, not a generic toolbox - for creating your RF 
transmission line.
(In theory we could write a similar script, if there's strong user demand 
on that. It wouldn't be very hard to map a trace you click, then draw a 
mask opening above it or draw two line-of-vias around it and set 
attributes so we could pick them up later for editing. I guess it'd all 
be some few 100 lines of script with all the GUI dialogs included. I am 
just not sure we have active user demand for this already - I mean I 
write a lot of scripts, even upon user request, and I am not sure users 
then really use those scripts at all or revert back manually doing 
So I think it's not about kicad UI in general, it's only about a specific 
addon's offer. Then whether kicad supports real arcs on copper or it is 
just line approximation, whether kicad has native UI for drawing them, 
whether that is more efficient than opening a dialog box for each arc, are 
the real UI questions, but we won't figure that from this video.

Reply subtree:
4200 Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data from
  4246 Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data from Evan Foss <>
    4250 Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data from Erich Heinzle <>