Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 21 Jun 2020 08:01:50 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data
in-reply-to:4198 from Erich Heinzle <>
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On Sun, 21 Jun 2020, Erich Heinzle wrote:
>Yeah, kicad only just got the ability to freely place vias in v5!
>You should see some if the hoops they were jumping through for stitching in
>the past. 
>Some of the trace length stuff being in done in pcb-rnd currently might
>allow for some simple via fencing scripts.
Note: we already have a line-of-vias extended objects for a long time, 
which makes it easy to draw via fencing.
It's jsut the approach that differs: the video presents a "windowsy" 
approach, where you have a special feature crafted for one specific use 
case: to fence a track with vias from both sides. It's very nice when you 
need exactly this, but you can't really use it for anything else.
In the same time, pcb-rnd walks the "UNIXy" way: provide building blocks 
that you can combine. In this specific case, the line-of-vias can be used 
for a lot of random things, from which one is fencing a track. It's a few 
more clicks for this specific case, obviously.
But constructing something from building blocks is always a bit more work 
than just clicking on a turn-key solution. It pays back when you need to 
construct something your software doesn't alreayd offer a turn-key 
solution for. And pays back when we don't need to add 15000 icons for 
15000 turn-key solutions of very narrow, sepcial cases but can solve them 
all with 10 generic tools you can combine in unexpected ways.

Reply subtree:
4199 Re: [pcb-rnd] rf filter test data from