Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Britton Kerin <>
Date:Sun, 5 Apr 2020 18:02:41 -0800
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: Different part of board, different rules
in-reply-to:3926 from
replies: 3929 from
On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 7:37 AM <> wrote:
> On Sat, 4 Apr 2020, wrote:
> >(Finding shorts is not possible this way, as that doesn't work on a per
> >object level but on a per net level, so that will need some more
> >pondering!)
> Good news: I figured how to do this, so this will be possible too. Adding
> it to the accepted feature request list.
> Details (for advanced users interested in query scripting and DRC rule
> internals):
> The old drc, and what the new drc does for shorts at the moment goes from
> top-down: it maps networks starting from the netlist. Imagine it as the
> outmost for() loop being one on all nets, then the inner for() loop does
> the "normal size" connection mapping, then the "bloated up" mapping and if
> the two results (objects-being-in-the-net) don't match, something was too
> close. In this setup any geometrical "where the object is" don't fit
> because the inmost loop is already in C, beyond the reach of query().
> But I figured how we can do it in the other way around _and_ speed things
> up a bit!
> The idea is:
> - we could build a temporary cache of which object belongs to which net
> (at the moment)
> - this cache is built on-demand, the first time a query script needs
> it
> - even better, it is built from an object and not from networks - which
> means it's really mapping which network segment the object is in, and it
> does any mapping only for objects the query script ever cared about - this
> can save a lot of computing time in some cases!
> - and even better, this on-demand cache can be shared within a drc
> session, so the network mapping doesn't have the be repeated over and over
> again
> - in practice this means: in query script, you will be able to get the
> parent network (or even network segment!) of a copper object; any object,
> any time; and it will be coming from a cache so if you request it multiple
> times (e.g. in different rules) it won't cost more, and it won't need to
> do a whole network mapping ever, only as much mapping as your script
> really needs!
> - if we have all the above, then our check doesn't need to bloat up whole
> networks - it can bloat up objects and check local object connections,
> all scripting in the drc query script, no loop hardwired in C!
I have a vague sense that asymmetrical bloating (making only one of
two objects which might be too close bigger, which I think is what is
being proposed here) might not be equivalent to bloating everything
simultaneously, but I haven't thought about it carefully.
While on this subject one thing I labored to fix in pcb in the old days
was the bad location reporting for DRC violations, where a violation
involving one long object like a line would get reported at the center
of the object, rather than in the bloat intersection itself.  I don't know
if pcb-rnd still has this behavior or not but if so this might be a good
time to fix it :)

Reply subtree:
3928 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: Different part of board, different rules from Britton Kerin <>
  3929 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: Different part of board, different rules from