Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 2 Apr 2020 16:10:09 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: implement dru files
in-reply-to:3892 from Alain Vigne <>
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On Thu, 2 Apr 2020, Alain Vigne wrote:
>for "English description". I prefer "graphical description", but OK.=C2=A0=
 I copy
>& paste, here:
Sorry, there's a misunderstanding.=20
My porposal: you do the DRU interpretation part and I do the pcb-rnd-side=
My example DRU files contain fileds like mdPadPad with a single coord=20
value and psFirst with an unitless numeric value and mtIsolate with a list=
of coord values.
What's needed is exact rules, things we need to check, one by one, using=20
pcb-rnd terminology, written in English, using these named fields from the=
DRU file for parameters. That'd be the DRU->English translation from which=
I can then do the scripting. (It's actual work that unfortunately needs to=
be done by someone and I don't think could be substituted by pasting parts=
of some spec. If you can do that, that means there's enough demand on DRU=
for me to invest my time on the scripting.)

Reply subtree:
3893 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: implement dru files from