Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sat, 18 Jan 2020 04:47:36 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Warning, clear poly frame annotation flag before
in-reply-to:3691 from Gabriel Paubert <>
Hi Gabriel,
On Fri, 17 Jan 2020, Gabriel Paubert wrote:
>	Hi,
>I don't consider the following strictly a bug, but people should be
>aware, that, among the many display options implement in pcb-rnd, there
>is one which may cause subtle (hard to see) errors in the Gerber output
>(and maybe others).
Sorry, I have to disagree on this: I classify this a critical bug. I 
will look into it ASAP and see if it is safe to fix before the 
upcoming release.
Rationale: anything that ruins our primary export, especially if it is 
causing shorts on copper, is critical. On a dense board it is especially 
easy to have all tests (netlist, drc) passed then have this bug cause 
unnoticed shorts on the output, turning your fresh boards into expensive 
industrial waste.
>As a testcase distilled from a much larger example, consider the
>attached files, which consist of a single polygon and a straight track.
>The first file is a standard pcb-rnd file, the second one the Gerber
>output of the top layer.
>When looking at the Gerber file under gerbv, you'll also see a line 
>along the outline of the polygon. This is also seen on the display, so
>it may be reasonable to put it in the Gerber file, although the
>resulting Gerber file wouldn'pass DRC.
>What is worse is that the corresponding Gerber file is invalid: the
>frame is drawn with a very thin line. When nanometer resolution is
>selected, the file contains the following definition:
>while the Gerber specification explicitly says that the diameter of
>a circular aperture must be positive or zero. There are other arguable
>points in the specification but that one looks sensible. 
>At least for my test cases, this problem does not happen when the 
>polygon frames are not displayed, as no negative diameter apertures
>definitions appear in the Gerber files.
>When the resolution is not set to nanometer, the aperture diameter 
>becomes zero, but the value still always starts with a minus sign.
>I don't know what the correct solution to this issue is: I have done
>some experiments and it seems that exporters (at least Gerber export
>through cam) ignore the state of the "Thin draw poly" {m d p} flag,
>should the {m d d} flag also be ignored?
This is a bug on multiple levels:
1. There are two concepts: board data and screen display. Board data is 
what the data model encodes. The only one type of polygon we have is 
filled polygon. We don't have polylines, polygon frames, and our polygons 
don't have contour thickness (many other EDA data models have that). Then 
on screen we often display helpers deduced from metadata - like the red 
dashed frame of subcircuits, the red refdes printout, the mark ({a m}), 
etc. These are called internally overlay^1. On (most^2) export output, we 
should export the data model as-is, and we should not export any overlay - 
because overlay is exclusive to the screen, for editing. Gerber definitely 
shouldn't have any overlay leaked in. (This is a more generic wording of 
your thin draw consideration)
2. An overlay is not in the stack, so it can not be copper. What you see 
here is an overlay line turning into copper, which is wrong even if we 
decide we want to see overlays in gerber. I.e. {c f} won't regard this 
thin line conductive, while it will be conductive on your physical board.
3. Our exports should be reproducible. That means, especially with cam, 
that you can store a script that you can run and get the same gerbers from 
the same board, no matter what display settings you have in your GUI. 
Which means configuration from editor/ and appearance/ subtrees should not 
affect your output. (This is an even more generic wording of your thin 
draw consideration.)
4. The negative thickness has a good reason: on screen rendering, we have 
two different domains for thickness: positive values are real nanometer 
thickness (zoom affects them) while negative values are interpreted 
as pixel width. For example -1 means "draw this thin line 1 pixel wide, no 
matter what zoom level we have". This trick is very useful on screen where 
you can zoom freely. However, "zooming" and "pixel" is not meaningful on 
any vector graphic output, so these objects shall never reach exporters.
^1 overlay vs. virtual layer: the overlay mechanism happened way before we 
had the layer system finalized. It continued the tradition of PCB for 
drawing some edit helper (e.g. the "attached objects", the preview objects 
while you are drawing). At the moment I think it'd be better to have these 
on a separate virtual layer (like the subcircuit annotations). This would 
obviously handle this problem, but it'd be then incosistent with the thin 
draw, black&white rendering, etc. So probably it will remain a config 
setting to keep it consistent with those.
^2 currently there are some exceptions. For example in png and ps we and 
svg we do not ignore layer color, so screen leaks in the export. That's 
fine, we just say there are a few exporters that reproduce more of the 
screen while others reproduce raw data. However, there's still some 
inherited mess with settings: png for example also exports selection 
color while it has the --as-shown export flag that doing random things. In 
the same time ps doesn't have --as-shown and handles selection color 
differently. I have a few TODOs about unify these, most probably through 
cam using standard transformation supplements (so it would work on export 
render level, not plugin level, which means it would be available for all 
export plugins in an unified manner and won't break backward 

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3692 Re: [pcb-rnd] Warning, clear poly frame annotation flag before from