Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Fri, 18 Oct 2019 18:09:50 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Windows XY export was experimental windows port -
in-reply-to:3467 from Bob Paddock <>
replies: 3470 from Bob Paddock <>
On Fri, 18 Oct 2019, Bob Paddock wrote:
>> One of these things is: CWD (the current working
>> directory), what your current directory is when you start pcb-rnd, does
>> matter.
>I started it from a desktop shortcut so the executable path would have been
>were the .exe is located.
OK, if you created an icon and the icon sets your CWD to the bin dir, then 
your CWD _is_ the bin dir and whenever you tell pcb (through config, or 
file names entered) to save something to ./, it will save to bin/. 
This is not a bug. 
Most probably you want to modify the icon so that it sets CWD to your home 
dir. I am not sure how windows is then doing the DLL search, whether it 
would find the DLLs next to the exe, so please try it and report if it 
worked or not.
>After a few experiments this is what is happening:
>Anything that gets entered in the 'cam' field of the 'Export to file' dialog
>ends up creating the exported file with that name in the same
>directory as pcb-rnd.exe (started with Windows Shortcut).
>If that field is left empty then the path/file name at the top of the
>dialog is used as one would expect.
Yes, in the CAM field you specify what exactly to export in what file 
name. If you enter something like "DSN" that really means "I want a file 
called ./DSN". If I get your original bugreport right, that is exactly 
what pcb-rnd did, so no bug here I think.
This field does override the file name (e.g. dsnfile) on purpose. If you 
don't know how the CAM exporting syntax works, it's best to leave the cam 
field empty.
>What is the 'cam' field actually for?
>Seems unlikely this is the intended behavior.
Intended behaviour for what you entered in it.
It implements a syntax that lets you tell the exporter what layers to 
export in what file. For more info:
You can use it to do fancy things, like (random example) export only top 
silk and top copper layer groups combined to an svg file.

Reply subtree:
3468 Re: [pcb-rnd] Windows XY export was experimental windows port - from
  3470 Re: [pcb-rnd] Windows XY export was experimental windows port - from Bob Paddock <>
    3471 Re: [pcb-rnd] Windows XY export was experimental windows port - from