Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 17 Oct 2019 15:59:16 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] What is the origin for XY files?
in-reply-to:3457 from Bob Paddock <>
replies: 3459 from Bob Paddock <>
On Thu, 17 Oct 2019, Bob Paddock wrote:
>In the XY file that is generated there needs to be
>a comment that says what the origin for the X/Y points are.
>If I give this as is to my CM it is meaningless without the reference point.
>Is it the lower left of the board or the Fudicial I selected (which is
>what they asked be the origin)?
Thanks for testing on windows!
Selection and fiducials by default have nothing to do with the xy export 
The origin point, by default, is the top left corner of the drawing area, 
since pcb-rnd is using the same coordinate system for the xy export as for 
the GUI. 
You can change the origin point by palcing an object with a specific 
attribute makign it the "pnp origin". This pool node explains how it is 
done for macrofab (but the method should work with any XY template):
Related: XY is not a real file format that is ever specified anywhere - 
it's just a generic concept, basically the idea of "you send the x;y 
coordinates of your parts in text format". Thus each fab will have their 
own XY format requirements, especially about the coordinate system and 
rotation angles. Fortunately our XY export plugin uses templates and you 
can write a template that produces the exact output your fab requires. 
There are keywords for all possible interpretations of data, for example 
we have different keywords for rotation for "always looking from the top" 
and "always looking from the side the part is on". 

Reply subtree:
3458 Re: [pcb-rnd] What is the origin for XY files? from
  3459 Re: [pcb-rnd] What is the origin for XY files? from Bob Paddock <>
    3460 Re: [pcb-rnd] What is the origin for XY files? from