Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Mychaela Falconia <>
Date:Sat, 12 Oct 2019 16:37:30 -0800
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] non-graphical schematics, layout (was: Why focus on gtk?)
in-reply-to:3440 from John Griessen <>
replies: 3442 from John Griessen <>
Hi John,
> I know from past geda list discussions you prefer non-graphical net definition
> and maybe some kind of scripted non-GUI data entry for layout.
If you mean action commands like "draw line", "draw arc", "insert via"
etc with all of the coordinates entered as part of the command, sure,
it is a useful feature to have, and I seem to recall that Igor2 has
already implemented something along these lines - although I can be
mistaken.  But while *having* such action commands available is
certainly a good thing (especially together with the awesome scripting
infrastructure in pcb-rnd), I don't see how we will ever eliminate the
need for a highly skilled, high-hourly-rate PCB layout engineer to do
the main bulk of the layout in the GUI...
> Are you
> thinking of using pcb-rnd to gen layout from commands driven by your own
> AI-like logic?
AI-like logic??  You are giving me a lot more credit than I deserve -
I am nowhere close to being an AI developer.
> You've got the motivation -- could turn into a really whole world valuable
> AI app if you tuned it.
Yeah, anyone who can pull off such a feat would probably be a
millionaire pretty quickly - but sadly, I am nowhere near smart enough
for such a feat.
> Another way your work could go to wide use is the component database function
> that must be part of your "capturing component data" method.  Do you think
> some of that could be useful for us GUI drivers also?
Here is what my schem+bom designs look like:
In every board project there is a human-entered and human-edited text
file named MCL, which stands for Master Component List - that is the
component database function you are talking about.  I encourage you to
look at my designs and decide for yourself if my MCL concept would be
useful for you or not.  The library code that parses these MCL files
is very simple, it resides in the ueda/libueda subdirectory in the
ueda-linux repository.

Reply subtree:
3441 Re: [pcb-rnd] non-graphical schematics, layout (was: Why focus on gtk?) from Mychaela Falconia <>
  3442 Re: [pcb-rnd] non-graphical schematics, layout from John Griessen <>