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Date:Sat, 5 Oct 2019 17:44:33 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] project state update
Hi all!
Quick project state update.
1. current state
We've pretty much ran out of bugs for this cycle. We are waiting for a lot 
of ACKs from bug reporters, tho:
Ade: 3;
Bdale: 1; 
Celem: 1;
Cuvoodoo: 1; 
John Griessen: 1;
Keantoken: 3;
Majenko: 3;
Miloh: 1;
Piotr: 2;
Pskibinski: 1;
Vuokko: 1;
2. this cycle
We have implemented and bugfixed almost everything scheduled for this 
cycle. There are 4 smaller things remaining, and we have plenty of time 
for those too, so this cycle is looking good so far.
Next release is end of October. I expect we'd have code freeze from 23th, 
+- a few days. That's in 2.5 weeks.
3. next cycle
Our packagers didn't finish testing the hidlib in time, which means we 
can't go fast enough on that so the next version will only be 2.1.4, not 
2.2.0. But in the next cycle we really must get this done else other 
tools in our suite will suffer.
In the next cycle, spanning 3 months till late January, focus will be on 
cleanups and bugfixes again, to furhter reduce the size of TODO, plus some 
I could cut back on my pcb-rnd addiction and could regroup some of my 
development time on other projects required for getting to the sch editor 
eventually - I also plan to go on with this. So longer pcb-rnd cycles with 
a bit less happening, but more progress on the rest of the suite.
I also managed to do much less core changes (after the many months of data 
model of the past years). I plan to keep this going too, so some features 
that require data model and file format upgrade are on hold. Rationale: 
our pending feature requests are not critical and I want to give some time 
for the current infra to get tested out and become "bug free". CI and CT 
are fine by me, but I want to avoid "continuous refactoring" because 
although it's a lot of fun as a programmer, it's much less fun for 
production users facing random new bugs all the time.
Best regards,

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3428 [pcb-rnd] project state update from