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Date:Fri, 4 Oct 2019 17:47:30 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] new autobuild server: fbsd/i386 (hosted by Majenko)
Hi all,
from now on automatic commit testing is running on FreeBSD on i386 as 
well. It's a non-GNU system so it gives us important warnings if pcb-rnd 
stops compiling on non-GNU toolchain.
Thanks to Majenko for hosting.
FYI, our other two hosts are: Linux/x86_64, Linux/arm. If you like 
buzzwords, we are doing continuous integration and continuous testig.
Majenko's host is running in a qemu on an x86_64 VPS. While setting this 
up, we figured: 
- installing ccache makes a big difference in compilation speed (at an 
expensve of disk space)
- configuring with gtk enabled slows compilation down big times - if an 
autobuild host is running within qemu it's best not to install gtk and 
- make -j3 broke for some reason (looked like a make bug) so I reverted to 
plain make; with ccache in place the full checkout-configure-compile-test 
cycle takes about 30 minutes for a revision. That means we permanently lag 
the server only if we do more than code changing 48 commits every day, for 
many days - which is not probable in the near future.
- enabling SMP within the emulated system made it very slow, although the 
host VPS also offers SMP, so we switched back to single-processor
I am sharing these details just in case anyone else wants to join the 
autotest effort. It seems any 24/7 networked system that is capable of 
running qemu at reasonable speed would work. The key here is cost: it is 
worth setting up this on hosts that are running and idling anyway, because 
the only real cost is electricity the emulation/compilation consumes. 
(There are still some "exotic" systems and architectures I'd be happy to 
auto-test on.)
Best regards,

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3426 [pcb-rnd] new autobuild server: fbsd/i386 (hosted by Majenko) from