Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 18 Aug 2019 14:25:17 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover:
in-reply-to:3280 from Gabriel Paubert <>
Hi Gabriel,
On Sun, 18 Aug 2019, Gabriel Paubert wrote:
>> 1. if there is a per footprint generator script value, we are going to use 
>> that
>> 2. else if there's an absolute value (pad_mask, pin_mask) for the paste 
>> thickness, we use that
>s/paste thickness/solder mask opening/
Yup, sorry, it was a copy&paste error.
>So a single "-" cancels (makes undefined or unspecified) an existing
>parameter, this may be a valid convention (especially for numeric 
>parameters), but how generic is this?
Not generic at the moment, it only works for the absolute value mask and 
paste defaults (pin_mask, pad_mask and pad_paste). Without the -, it is 
generic (within the pcblib parametrics): you can cancel any default 
that way, effectively overwriting them with an empty string.
I've added a special case "-" for the paste/mask logic to make 
cancellation more explicit. Normally you wouldn't want to cancel other 
defaults. As far as I know this paste/mask case is the first and only one 
where this matters. Normally you would just overwrite the value with a new 
value. Cancellation makes sense when we have alternative parameters for 
the same thing and paste/mask value/offs/ratio is the first such thing in 

Reply subtree:
3281 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from