Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Gabriel Paubert <>
Date:Sun, 18 Aug 2019 12:09:44 +0200
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover:
in-reply-to:3279 from
replies: 3281 from
On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 08:26:40AM +0200, wrote:
> >On Sat, 17 Aug 2019, wrote:
> >
> >>With keeping 100% backward compatibility, we will have some extensions, 
> >>mainly new parameters controlling aspects of padstacks that were 
> >>impossible to control with the old format. I will write separate 
> >>announcements about these when they are implemented
> >
> After the pad_paste_ratio and pad_paste offs, the second set of 
> new features is about mask:
> 1. optional pad_mask_ratio, pin_mask_ratio
> When specified, mask opening size is copper size multiplied by this 
> number.
> 2. optional pad_mask_offs and pin_mask_offs (mm or mil)
> When specified, mask opening size is copper size plus this value 
Nice, especially the second one, PCB manufacturers often want a minimum
spacing around the pad (for NSMD pads), and it's the same parameter for
well over 90% of my pads on most designs.
> Note: you need to use pad_* for the smd pads and pin_* for the 
> through-hole pins. Only the "normal" pads are affected, the (optional) 
> center pad (e.g. in a qfn) is a special case that has separate parameters.
> If multiple sources try to set paste dimensions, the logic is as follows
s/paste/solder mask/
> (same as for paste):
> 1. if there is a per footprint generator script value, we are going to use 
> that
> 2. else if there's an absolute value (pad_mask, pin_mask) for the paste 
> thickness, we use that
s/paste thickness/solder mask opening/
> 3. else if there's an offset (pad_mask_offs, pin_mask_offs), use that
> 4. else if there is a ratio (pad_mask_ratio, pin_mask_ratio), use that
> Because of the backward compatibility, we unfortunately have pad_mask and 
> pin_mask defined as default. This normally overrides the offs and ratio. 
> To start using the ratio or the offs, you also need to include a 
> pad_mask=- or pin_mask=- to cancel the default absolute value. (This is 
> unlike with paste, because we didn't have a hardwired default paste 
> absolue value to cancel).
So a single "-" cancels (makes undefined or unspecified) an existing
parameter, this may be a valid convention (especially for numeric 
parameters), but how generic is this?
> Note: this feature is in the common code of parametric footprints, not in 
> pcb-rnd. Once the footprint is generated, the actual shape and size of the 
> paste is hardwired numerical data and does not depend on copper shape any 
> more. In other words these values affect how the generator works, but once 
> the footprint is generated, the paste shape becomes independent. However, 
> one can always change the parameter and re-generate the footprint and 
> replace the old with the new, in-place.
> Regards,
> Igor2

Reply subtree:
3280 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from Gabriel Paubert <>
  3281 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from