Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 18 Aug 2019 08:26:40 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover:
in-reply-to:3277 from
replies: 3280 from Gabriel Paubert <>
>On Sat, 17 Aug 2019, wrote:
>>With keeping 100% backward compatibility, we will have some extensions, 
>>mainly new parameters controlling aspects of padstacks that were 
>>impossible to control with the old format. I will write separate 
>>announcements about these when they are implemented
After the pad_paste_ratio and pad_paste offs, the second set of 
new features is about mask:
1. optional pad_mask_ratio, pin_mask_ratio
When specified, mask opening size is copper size multiplied by this 
2. optional pad_mask_offs and pin_mask_offs (mm or mil)
When specified, mask opening size is copper size plus this value 
Note: you need to use pad_* for the smd pads and pin_* for the 
through-hole pins. Only the "normal" pads are affected, the (optional) 
center pad (e.g. in a qfn) is a special case that has separate parameters.
If multiple sources try to set paste dimensions, the logic is as follows 
(same as for paste):
1. if there is a per footprint generator script value, we are going to use 
2. else if there's an absolute value (pad_mask, pin_mask) for the paste 
thickness, we use that
3. else if there's an offset (pad_mask_offs, pin_mask_offs), use that
4. else if there is a ratio (pad_mask_ratio, pin_mask_ratio), use that
Because of the backward compatibility, we unfortunately have pad_mask and 
pin_mask defined as default. This normally overrides the offs and ratio. 
To start using the ratio or the offs, you also need to include a 
pad_mask=- or pin_mask=- to cancel the default absolute value. (This is 
unlike with paste, because we didn't have a hardwired default paste 
absolue value to cancel).
Note: this feature is in the common code of parametric footprints, not in 
pcb-rnd. Once the footprint is generated, the actual shape and size of the 
paste is hardwired numerical data and does not depend on copper shape any 
more. In other words these values affect how the generator works, but once 
the footprint is generated, the paste shape becomes independent. However, 
one can always change the parameter and re-generate the footprint and 
replace the old with the new, in-place.

Reply subtree:
3279 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from
  3280 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from Gabriel Paubert <>
    3281 Re: [pcb-rnd] pcblib: parametric footprint script switchover: from