Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:miloh <>
Date:Thu, 22 Dec 2016 15:40:28 -0800
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] bug report : footprints from pcb-mainline
in-reply-to:326 from Evan Foss <>
replies: 329 from
On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 1:06 PM, Evan Foss <> wrote:
> It was in the first email as an attachment
wow, so sorry Evan, I scanned right past that!
I downloaded the footprint and tried it out with my pcb-rnd* trunk and
got the same error.
sanddorn:~/repos/pcb-rnd/trunk/src $ ./pcb-rnd AMPHENOL_BNC_31-5431-ver2.fp
IO error during load pcb: none of io plugins could successfully read
file AMPHENOL_BNC_31-5431-ver2.fp (unknown/invalid file format?)
Loaded menu file './pcb-menu-gtk.lht'
As it turns out, my trunk pcb-rnd (r5873) isn't opening _any_
footprints I found in pcblib when called from the command line as an
argument to pcb-rnd.
sanddorn:~/repos/pcb-rnd/trunk/src $./pcb-rnd ../pcblib/smd/0603.fp
IO error during load pcb: none of io plugins could successfully read
file ../pcblib/smd/0603.fp (unknown/invalid file format?)
Loaded menu file './pcb-menu-gtk.lht'
Maybe this is intentional, but pcb mainline and earlier versions of
pcb-rnd open footprint files directly, so that:
sanddorn$pcb ../pcblib/smd/0603.fp
sanddorn$pcb-rnd ../pcblib/smd/0603.fp
Both work to open the pcb or pcb-rnd gui layout window with a
footprint zoomed in (useful for quick footprint editing)
(btw, I have the pcb-rnd v1.1.4 installed systemwide)
In the gui however, my trunk revision of pcb-rnd will load the
footprint in question:
If use the File menu pick "Load element data to paste-buffer", pcb-rnd
loads the footprint to the layout.
I bisected to take a look at when this change occurred, it looks like
it happened in pcb-rnd -r5657, which leads me to a workaround which
may(probably will) have bad effects:
If I add a line with the string "# release: pcb" on its own line in
the footprint files(anywhere), pcb-rnd opens it from the commandline
or the File menu pick "Load layout data to paste-buffer".
However, since these are footprints and not complete layouts and
intended to become part of a bigger valid 'pcb' filetype, perhaps that
suggests why the parse validation was implemented.
*Note, I'm using --debug mainly but tested a few times without it and
encountered similar behavior.

Reply subtree:
327 Re: [pcb-rnd] bug report : footprints from pcb-mainline from miloh <>
  329 Re: [pcb-rnd] bug report : footprints from pcb-mainline from