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Date:Fri, 9 Aug 2019 09:46:18 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] new: file overwrite ask (dialog box unification)
Hi all,
from now on whenever pcb-rnd exporters going to overwrite an existing 
file, pcb-rnd can ask the user for permission. Every exporter will use the 
same dialog box.
In the past, we just silently overwritten the file (with a very few 
exception where some local code asked the user). This is what I expect, as 
a UNIX user - I tell the software to do something, so it does it, without 
questions. To preserve this kind of operation, there's a config node for 
skipping the question and always overwrite. The dialog box offers a 
checkbox to go in this mode, so you don't even need to remember the conf 
node path, just check in the checkbox and it will never ask that question 
again. This setting is saved in your user config.
In batch mode, no question is asked, we always overwrite. This is because 
we do not want to break scripts.
Finally, there are some exporters writing multiple files for a single 
export, e.g. gerber or ps. For those exporters, a 'yes to all' button is 
provided so you don't have to say yes to each file.
I hope this feature will make the learning curve somewhat easier for new 
users, not accidentally overwriting existing files. So the default value 
of this config we distribute pcb-rnd with is to ask.

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3260 [pcb-rnd] new: file overwrite ask (dialog box unification) from