Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 8 Aug 2019 04:46:45 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] import .fp, modify and save as new footprint
in-reply-to:3253 from James Battat <>
replies: 3255 from James Battat <>
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On Wed, 7 Aug 2019, James Battat wrote:
> I'm trying to import an .fp file from gedasymbols, modify it (by removing=
> hole), and then save it as a footprint (to be an attribute for a gschem
> symbol).=C2=A0 I can break up the subc and remove the hole, but then can'=
> reconstitute the subc.
> Here's what I've tried so far.
> I start with erich_heinzle's footprint from gedasymbols:
> and rename to arduino_header_nohole.fp
> =3D=3D=3D Approach #1 =3D=3D=3D
> * Open footprint in pcb-rnd:
> =C2=A0 $ pcb-rnd arduino_header_nohole.fp
Good so far.
> * Break up subcircuit
> =C2=A0 Select all visible: {s a a}
> =C2=A0 Break selection subcircuits to pieces {s b s}
Do not do this! If you open the subcircuit directly, you are editing a=20
subcircuit, not a board. The title of the window will indicate this. In=20
that case you shouldn't break it up, just start editing.
There are two methods that will work:
Method A: direct subc edit
1. pcb-rnd file.fp
2. as this opens the footprint, just edit, no breakup or convert, just=20
delete objets, draw new objects, everything is done directly on the subc
3. save the file like if you saved a board (but it will really save the=20
subc that you can put in your lib and use as a footprint)
Method B: edit on a board, using import and breakup/convert
1. start pcb-rnd without any file name argument so you get an empty board=
with the default layer stackup
2. import the footprint using File/Import/Load subciccuit data, or from=20
the library (you can configure both edakrill and gedasymbols to show up in=
the library window if you have wget installed so you can browse them=20
directly there if you want)
3. don't place the subc, but break up the subc in the buffer
4. place the broken up parts - they are now board objects
5. edit your board objects as you wish=20
6. select them all and conver the selection to subc
(6.b. or cut them to buffer after the selection and convert the buffer to=
7. save buffer subcircuits to file (buffer menu)
I recommend using method A in your case. A major advantage of method A is=
that the layer stackup is your subcircuit's, no subc-to-board layer=20
binding is ever done, so you can edit an existing footprint without having=
to worry whether you miss a layer (a layer the footprint uses but your=20
board you use for editing doesn't have). But, this won't be a problem=20
with the old .fp format, as it couldn't have unusual layers.
Method B is useful if you want to change the origin or merge multiple=20
subcircuits into one.=20
(The reason we allow breakup in direct subc editing is that it will make=20
sense with multi-level subcircuits (subc-in-subc), breaking up a subc that=
is whithin the subc you are editing - so it's better if we get used to it=
now than if I change the behavior later)

Reply subtree:
3254 Re: [pcb-rnd] import .fp, modify and save as new footprint from
  3255 Re: [pcb-rnd] import .fp, modify and save as new footprint from James Battat <>
    3257 Re: [pcb-rnd] import .fp, modify and save as new footprint from