Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:King =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E9vin?= <>
Date:Wed, 7 Aug 2019 13:41:41 +0200
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] new layer groups: assembly, courtyard/keepout -
in-reply-to:3245 from
replies: 3251 from King =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E9vin?= <>
On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 05:07:51AM +0200, wrote:
> First round: if you already have drawn/generated at least 3 boards and/or 
> footprints where you used custom doc or mech layer groups, please list 
> them in a reply to this mail:
> - layer group type
> - layer group location
> - layer group purpose
> - how did you use the layer group: what kind of object did you place and 
> what did they represent
> (I am after _existing practice_ now, so please do not answer if you did 
> not yet use such layer groups with pcb-rnd. Collecting general good ideas 
> will happen later.)
here a list of mech/doc I already used (some of them in the past, not in pcb-rnd though)
- type: doc
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: on very tight boards there is no space to place the reference designators on the silkscreen layer, thus I put them on a separate layer and use/print it in the assembly manual (if there is enough space on the board I merge the layer in the output with the silkscreen
- type: mech
- location: global
- purpose: uroute, proute
- description: the slots (non round holes) for the mounting tabs of shells/shields/connectors (the shape includes the info it it should be plated or not)
- type: doc
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: a zone (outline) where not to put another elements to avoid pick&place or hand soldering issues
- type: doc
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: the actual element shape (shell/...) (not the same than the part outline on the silkscreen)
- type: doc
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: the size of the complete part. this is a bit different than assembly. for example for a screen in the assembly layer I only put the connector part, but the screen is much larger. this helps me avoiding collision of high parts (e.g. electrolytic cap not in the way of a pyramid/side mounted fans, or screen)
- type: mech
- location: global
- purpose: none
- description: line across the hole board for v-cuts/grooves (often mixed with the outline layer with 0 size line, and manufacturer note)
- type: mech
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: where to put glue dots. I've only used it once with a double side board and a large/heavy part where surface tension was not enough (and after manufacturer request)
- type: mech 
- location: top/bottom
- purpose: none
- description: were to spray surface coating (e.g. barometer/microphone need to NOT be coated). to be honest I never actually used that. I did the coating myself by hand (2 boards) and knew what to do, but I was wondering how I would communicate it with the manufacturer for mass production.
the rest are just board-specific doc layers with notes, remarks, assembly instruction.
these are very individual and done my hand.

Reply subtree:
3250 Re: [pcb-rnd] new layer groups: assembly, courtyard/keepout - from King =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E9vin?= <>
  3251 Re: [pcb-rnd] new layer groups: assembly, courtyard/keepout - from King =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E9vin?= <>