Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Peter Stuge <>
Date:Sat, 1 Jun 2019 19:14:48 +0000
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] discussion: place order feature
in-reply-to:3111 from
replies: 3114 from wrote:
> >> At the moment we have full support for bbvias in the data model, in core 
> >> and in the GUI, but we can not export them, simply because we don't know 
> >> how exactly it should be done _in practice_.
> >
> >Here I may be able to contribute something; open hardware manufacturing
> >files (gerber) for an open hardware prototype (designed in KiCad, so KiCad
> >files are also available) which uses bbvias on a 4-layer board, and was
> >fabbed successfully by CONTAG AG outside Berlin. Should I send them over?
> Thanks,  but what we need is the other way around: if I sit down to 
> upgrade our gerber exporter for bbvias, we need to get the result tested.
Sure. But the first step is to implement something that can be tested,
and for implementation I find known-good data points to be helpful.
> The problem is not the implemenation. The problem is how do we get
> _our_ implementation tested.
An implementation that doesn't exist can't very well be tested. Once an
implementation exists then the testers may emerge. :)
Considering the required effort I guess noone will commit to testing
before something is ready.
This feature might also be a good candidate for sponsoring, but there
too the gerbers and/or .lht should exist first.

Reply subtree:
3113 Re: [pcb-rnd] discussion: place order feature from Peter Stuge <>
  3114 Peter, very last warning (was: bbvia, Re: [pcb-rnd] discussion: from