Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 21 Apr 2019 08:05:25 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:XY macrofab rotation ug (was: Re: [pcb-rnd] please check and ACK
in-reply-to:2899 from Edward Comer <>
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019, Edward Comer wrote:
>I have attached a screenshot of what Macrofab presents, the lht file and
>also a zip of the gerbers. Macrofab presents the gerbers corectly - they
>match the layout and the gerbv presentation. I suspect that the xyrs file is
>the problem.
Cool, thanks!
The gerbers are indeed consistent with the screenshot so it must be the 
xy. Please also send me the export options you used to get the xyrs file.
Please try to hand-edit the xyrs file until it looks good on macrofab and 
send me the edited version so I can see what the expected values are.

Reply subtree:
2972 XY macrofab rotation ug (was: Re: [pcb-rnd] please check and ACK from