Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Peter Stuge <>
Date:Fri, 19 Apr 2019 13:54:02 +0000
Subject:[pcb-rnd] bug: empty gerber export (not cam) drill .gbr files
replies: 2961 from
Peter Stuge wrote:
> gerber export
I nearly got bit by this one.
pcb-rnd old-style gerber export (not cam) creates two types of drill
files; .cnc and .gbr.
The bug is that the .gbr files have all the tools, but no holes.
I understand that gerber export (not cam) is being obsoleted. I'd
suggest at the very least to skip creating .gbr drill files if they
are going to be empty. The .cnc files are OK - but(!) they have INCH
coordinates in spite of micrometer coord-format selected in the dialog.

Reply subtree:
2928 [pcb-rnd] bug: empty gerber export (not cam) drill .gbr files from Peter Stuge <>
  2961 Re: [pcb-rnd] bug: empty gerber export (not cam) drill .gbr files from