Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2019 06:13:51 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] poly clipping performance optimization (was Re: Bug:
in-reply-to:2624 from Gabriel Paubert <>
replies: 2633 from Gabriel Paubert <>
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019, Gabriel Paubert wrote:
>I have attached an example file, which is a small part of the board I'm
>currently designing. With the new brave mode, most operations are now 
>reasonably fast. Without the brave mode, I selected P2 (bottom side), 
>and simply cut (Ctrl-X) it. Well, I killed pcb-rnd after several minutes. 
>In brave mode, it took maybe a couple of seconds.
Thanks, great! I've tersted it here too (on a much slower mahcine), and I 
feel the speedup too. 
Nice board, you are doing real fancy things. I think we should talk more 
about what you are doing because there may be features I could add in 
pcb-rnd to help your use cases.
I really like that you have a courtyard layer in your subc! I definitely 
want to include official support for that later on, especially with the 
new drc. 
The grid of vias thing, could that be a subc? It sounds like a convenient 
idea to place the connector subc and then place the matching grid-of-vias 
subc. Or do you need to edit it a lot, e.g. removing vias?
I see you also have a lot of differential pairs, I should sit down and do 
the extended object infra so you could draw and edit(!) them as pair. In 
short: when it's rendered, it'd look like 2 (or N) parallel thin traces, 
but when you grab it for editing, it would look and behave like one thick 
trace. In the most optimistic case rubber band, route radius, everything 
working for the thick version. Then you end the thick version somewhere 
and just connect random individual thin traces to the endpoints when doing 
the reistor connections. 
The hard part is splitting the code: half of the code needs to deal with 
the "as edited" version, other half with the "as rendered version". For 
example export and connection find clearly needs the as-rendered, which 
any buffer operation should use the "as edited". So it won't happen 
overnight, but I think it has a great potential (and can solve more than 
just pairs/buses).
>However an undo (Ctrl-Z) took forever (once again had to kill the
>process), and sometimes ended in a crash, very similar to the crash I
>got with your subc256.lht file.
Tested this with your board on my slow machine, with the latest fix it 
should be good.

Reply subtree:
2630 Re: [pcb-rnd] poly clipping performance optimization (was Re: Bug: from
  2633 Re: [pcb-rnd] poly clipping performance optimization (was Re: Bug: from Gabriel Paubert <>