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Date:Sat, 1 Dec 2018 15:13:44 +0100 (CET)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] IO upgrade: better incompatibility indication (major improvement)
Hi all,
as I mentioned in the other mail, the drc dialog upgrade also brought us a 
new, generic "list of board views/locations" infrastructure - both how we 
store/load/save/copy them and how we display them on the GUI. 
(FYI, shorthand term is "view list".)
This enabled me (spending only 2 hours development time) to finally 
implement a feature I was planning since late 2016: better io save 
incompatibility indication!
When you save a native pcb-rnd board in an alien format, we rarely can say 
the save file 100% accurately captures all details the original design 
has. Most often the save code knows what exactly can not be done in 
the target format and notifies the core.^1
(Note: save incompatibility does NOT render your in-memory data 
unusable^2. If you don't want to lose details, just make sure you also 
save it in native format (even after saving to alien format, but before 
We used to indicate such incompatibilities by priting long log messages. 
Now we indicate them by opening a view list, a very similar dialog box to 
the new DRC dialog. After all, these are just errors the user may need to 
fix to make the output alien file usable.
There's a config node^3 to enable/disable the dialog - some users hate 
popups. When disabled, the code reverts to the old logging.
There's another config node^4 to set which dialog mode should be used: the 
full featured "list" mode or the simplified "simple" mode. Until we have 
the tree widget in lesstif, lesstif users need to set this to simple to 
make the dialog useful.
Because one of our selling points is advanced file format support, I 
consider this a major improvement. For non-pcb-rnd users, we are now not 
just a converter between formats, but also a viewer for conversion 
compatibility issues!
Best regards,
^1: this is normal: different EDA tools have different model of the world 
and there's usually no 1:1 translation. All we can try is do our best 
to find closely matching features and warn the user about potential 
problems. With the new data model, we are rather good on the load side: 
our model is mostly a superset of what other EDAs can represent, so we can 
load most of the files withot data loss. However, when saving to a weaker 
alien format, we have to sacrifice some details.
^2: we store the Master Version of any data in memory. The cosest disk 
representation is our native format, lihata board. Unless there's an 
unreported bug, the lihata board format is 100% compatible with the 
in-memory version. But don't forget: it's still a translation, between raw 
C pointers and binary numers and lihata text. When you save in an alien 
format, a different conversion is made, to a different, weaker format that 
often can capture less than 100% of the in-memory details. However, such a 
conversion won't affect the source, that is, saving a less capable file 
will not downgrade the in-memory representation. So if you save your rich 
board into a poor format, then save it again in native format, you didn't 
lose any data on the second save. The only way to lose data is saving in a 
poor format, then discard the in-memory data and load it again from the 
poor format.
^3: editor/io_incomp_popup
^4: editor/io_incomp_style

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2494 [pcb-rnd] IO upgrade: better incompatibility indication (major improvement) from