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Date:Sat, 1 Dec 2018 09:47:39 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: new DRC dialogs, drc is safe to use now
in-reply-to:2491 from Alain Vigne <>
replies: 2495 from Alain Vigne <>
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Hi Alain,
On Sat, 1 Dec 2018, Alain Vigne wrote:
>Thank you for the first step in the right direction.
>I might question 4 things ?
>1. It makes sense to me the DRC preview related to an error, is a *frozen*
>drawing: I mean, the DRC was performed on a state of the layout where this
>error is occurring. If later, I change the layout and want to refer back t=
>this DRC error, I need to compare previous situation (error) versus curren=
>It seems to me this is lost in translation because I will see same layout =
>the 2 views ?
Live preview instead of screenshot: yup. This is intentional, and the=20
reason is explained in the pool node. (Btw, we had this change many=20
months ago, even with the old gtk drc dialog.)
The preview's extra is that it does a color highlight so it makes it=20
easier to identify the problem.
>2. The Del button is removing the violation from the list... Would it make
>sense to mark this violation as "fixed" and have a check box to display
>"fixed" yes/no=C2=A0 instead ?
>I mean, if latter on I have to tackle a related DRC issue, I still can see
>it, even if I considered it "fixed" and I deleted it ?
I was considering the checkbox, but I found it unnecessary. If you click=20
on refresh, the whole thing is remapped and things you fixed are removed=20
So I decided to provide a way to remove an item so you can keep a shorter=
list of things you still need to address.
>3. Is there any kind of graphical indication about the error ? I mean if a
>spacing is violated, preview can draw (as an offending polygon/rectangle ?=
>where the spacing is laying between the 2 objects ?
Nope, because we don't have that data. The DRC algorithm can determine if=
there's a violated gap, but it can't tell where it happened. It's not=20
something that's going to change soon and it's outside the scope.
(However, with the 2-color highlight, it's probably very easy to spot the=
problem, unless you have some special case, like two huge, very complex=20
shaped, non-clearing polygons.)
>4. How do you avoid the "conjugate error" between 2 objects, I mean 1. err=
>is: a object is "blue", b "red", 2. a is "red", b "blue" ?
>This will give me 2 errors for the same DRC violation ?
Yes, it may be listed twice, as I wrote in the other email yesterday, and=
will mask other errors of the same nets. This has nothing to do with the=20
DRC GUI, but how the drc algorithm works. As I wrote, these problems will=
not be addressed in this effort.

Reply subtree:
2492 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: new DRC dialogs, drc is safe to use now from
  2495 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: new DRC dialogs, drc is safe to use now from Alain Vigne <>
    2496 Re: [pcb-rnd] drc: new DRC dialogs, drc is safe to use now from