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Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2018 12:25:59 +0100 (CET)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] feature removal plan: alternative/compact vertical layout
Hi all,
we have two settings, accessible from both the old preferences window and 
the new preferences dialog: "alternative window layout" in horizontal and 
vertical directions. The default is 'on'.
The compact_horizontal setting affects the status line only: if it's true, 
the status line gets a line break, making it narrower, but taller. This is 
required to meet our small-screen 800x600 target and don't waste too much 
space on large screen.
The compact_vertical setting does more: moves the tool bar between the 
under-the-menu position and the under-the-layersel position and changes 
whether the coord readout (top right corner) is multi-line.
These features do anything only in the gtk HID.
I plan to do the following changes later on:
1. changes are needed because I want to have every HID offer a similar 
looking top window _and_ want to simplify the HID API too. Any extra local 
(per HID feature) is only complication for both code and documentation. 
On the other hand if something looks like an useful feature on one HID, we 
should most probably have it on all HIDs. Example: the 'full screen mode' 
- originally it was a gtk vs. lesstif thing, some users using lesstif 
because it didn't have so many widgets in the top window; by now we can do 
the same with gtk as well. And later on lesstif will have all the same 
widgets in top window and the same full screen option to hide them.
2. I plan to remove the compact_vertical setting; the toolbar would be 
always under the menu. Rationale: 
- HID API simplification
- our layer selectr is taller now, the toolbar fits harder there than 
under the menu
- the tool bar will be dynamically extensible, which means we will be able 
to have more icons there; there's more room under the menu for growth
- long term plan: main window widget groups will be dockable dialog boxes 
with multiple positions you can dock them in; in that setup a special 
setting makes no sense. See also:
3. I plan to rename compact_horizontal to compact and make it more 
generic: it would affect any top window or other dialog in whatever way 
that makes sense locally to the given window to work better in resolutions 
between 800x600 and 1024x768. This means the multi-line split for both the 
coord readout and the status line would be controlled by this flag, and 
maybe some more in other dialogs.
4. the compact setting will obviously be hid-independent, will work with 
any present and future hids.
Best regards,

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2469 [pcb-rnd] feature removal plan: alternative/compact vertical layout from