Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 26 Sep 2019 05:51:45 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] project state update
Hi all,
pcb-rnd is entering the bugfix phase within the current development cycle:
This means trunk/ is considered stable and should be used in production. 
Focus is now on fixing our known bugs and finding other bugs before the 
release. Other than that there are two minor feature requests in the TODO 
file that I will deal with (neither affecting pcb-rnd itself).
Next stable release is expected at the end of October.
There are a lot of feature requests that got implemented, please check 
file trunk/doc/TODO; if you see your name for an entry that is marked with 
+ or ?, please test the entry and report back. Number of pending ACKs per 
reporter (action needed):
Ade: 2;
Bdale: 1;
Celem: 1;
Erich: 1; 
John Griessen: 1;
Keantoken: 2;
Miloh: 1;
Pskibinski: 1;
Vuokko: 2;
Meanwhile there's also some progress on the sister projects. A lot needs 
to be coded yet, but for example camv-rnd already works reasonably well.

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3415 [pcb-rnd] project state update from