sch-rnd-aux knowledge pool


Symbol referencing

loclib_embed by Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas on 2022-06-06

Tags: insight, local, lib, library, symbol, embed, embedded, embedding

node source



Abstract: There are many different ways how symbols are placed on a sheet by schematics editors. This article explains the three most relevant methods: local lib, embedded symbols, external lib references.



When a symbol is embedded, the whole symbol, including all graphics and metadata is copied into the sheet as a new instance. This means if there are 10 embedded instances of a resistor symbol in a sheet, the sheet contains 10 full copies of the symbol.




External referencing

When a symbol is externally referenced, only the name of the symbol and a set of "differences" are saved in the sheet. These differences are typically new attribute values.




Local lib

When a symbol is first placed on the sheet, a read-only master copy of the symbol is embedded in the sheet in a special area called the local lib or loclib for short. On the visible sheet only a reference is placed to this loclib instance.

This method combines the most important benefits of embedding and symbol referencing without the risks of external referencing.




Who implements what

sch-rnd symbols sch-rnd devmap pcb-rnd subcircuits gEDA symbols
embed no 1 yes yes
external ref no 1 no 2 yes
loclib yes no 3 no
