pcb-rnd knowledge pool
Tutorials for using pcb-rnd
Itutorials by Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas on 2021-06-19 | Tags: index, user, tutorials, howto, use |
Abstract: This node is a collection of links to user tutorials for various levels of pcb-rnd users from beginners to advanced.
1. Beginner: how to start using pcb-rnd
1.1. Long, complete
- Cuvoodoo's excellent live session series on a complete hardware design workflow: pcb-rnd first part: import netlist and subcircuit placement; next part is about routing the nets. Third part is with DRC and fabbing preparations. It is worth watching the rest of the series as well.
1.2. Short, per feature
- Nodes listed in the user guide
- Quickest forward annotation with import schematics
- Setting up your own footprint lib
- How to use the grid
- Explanation on terms related to netlists and import schematics , including "annotation"
- How to edit lines
- How to edit arcs
- How to edit polygons
- How to ground pour or plane using a rectangular polygon
- How to make thermal relief
- How to manage layers and layer groups using the cross section view
- How to change properties of one or multiple objects using the property editor
- Drag-and-drop selection: negative direction selection
- Board outline: drawing on a boundary layer
2. Advanced: fancy features, tips & tricks
2.1. Footprint creation
- Celem's tutorial on importing curvy assembly drawing from datasheet through inkscape.
2.2. Efficient editing
- How to mass change properties (e.g. unify trace widths, clearances, etc.)
- Impedance calculator and semi automated setup tool for impedance matched traces , e.g. microstrip
- Generating visual difference between boards
- Merging two or more boards
- In-place subcircuit editing with loose subc
- If a hotkey or menu is missing: patch the menu!
- Marking subcirciuts nonetlist so import schematics/netlist won't interfere with them
- Cycledrag for selecting which endpoint to grab on overlap
- Advanced search from the command line: query() examples
- Semi-automatic back annotation (requires gschem)
2.3. Import
- Erich's howto on importing HPGL vector graphics (e.g. exported from mechanical CAD programs as plots)
- Erich's howto on importing vector graphics from inkscape
- Quickest forward annotation with import schematics
- Tracing a background pixmap image
2.4. Export
- Configuring the XY exporter for custom format (pick and place)
- Exporting 3d: stl
- Exporting a drill file in gerber (not excellon)
- Using noexport for having object side effects without the objects
2.5. Tricky PCB fab processes
- Selective filled vias with attributes and CAM
- Pull-away: copper not extending to board edge
- How to specify a pick-and-place origin of the board
- Using pcb-rnd for panelizing: multiple layouts, updating them, mouse bites, fiducials
2.6. Managing complex objects
- Using dimension lines (extended object)
- Drawing pairs or parallel buses (extended object)
- Drawing a line of vias (extended object, e.g. via fencing high speed or high frequency traces)
- Thick traces and areas within other polygons using poly-clear-poly (useful for high current applications)
- editing fonts
- Disconnect copper within a subcircuit with intnoconn (avoids false positive shorts for antennes, coils)
- Emulate connection within a subcircuit with intconn (specify part-internal connections)
- QR code on board
2.7. QA
- Typical uses of the Design Rule Checker
- DRC script: zone based clearance rules
- DRC script: keepout (courtyard)
2.8. User scripting
- Interactive edit and run: live scripting
2.9. Misc
- ScribblesOnNapkins' hairpin filter simulation using OpenEMS ; written version
- Vuokko's howto on reproducing copper traces on silk
- How to use pcb-rnd for non-pcb drawings
- Text object tight clearance (optionally replaces the boxy clearance around text)
3. Old, somewhat outdated
These are made with old versions of pcb-rnd. Some parts of the processes shown here should still work and are still relevant, but there has been major changes in recent versions and/or the same goals can be achieved by much simpler ways.