pcb-rnd - user/developer profile


user profile photo Nick:Igor2
Real name:Tibor Palinkas
Roles in pcb-rnd:lead developer, release coordinator, infrastructure administrator
Focus: none
Home page: http://igor2.repo.hu/profile.html
Location: Budapest, Hungary (CET)

I once wanted geda/pcb to become the board editor that 100% matches my needs as an user. After reaching that, I started to clean up the code so that it matches my needs as a programmer. Later on I started to focus on building community around pcb-rnd, trying to react on bugreports and user requests as soon as possible. I am also trying to support contributors so they can concentrate on the part they are trying to work on.

Feel free to contact me if you have pcb-rnd related quesions or problems as an user or developer.

Hacking time (in CET)

Change display time zone:
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